Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hi, if I seem a little off, it's because I'm seriously tired from shoveling more snow. This time we got hit hard and it was the wet heavy kind of snow, great for making snowmen but a real pain in the ass to shovel. Gets really heavy, really fast. Got rolling on it and our neighbors' landlord came by with his snow blower and made fast work of things (we share the driveway). We also had to get the sidewalks cleared and clear the downspout on the front so the water wouldn't get in from the roof. The main roads are fine but a lot of the side streets are still a mess. It's sunny and above freezing so at least some of it will melt. The downside is that tonight everything will freeze up and most likely there will be some black ice to deal with. To everyone who's dealing with the weather in the Northeast US, hang in there, spring is coming.

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