Thursday, February 10, 2011

Better Days

Finally, the weather is getting a little warmer. We've got upper 40's (Fahrenheit) for the next couple of days and up to near 60º by next week. With any luck, we'll get through February without and major snowfall and get rid of the mountains of snow that are in just about every parking lot in the area.

Been adding products to my Zazzle store a little at a time and I've started going through the tutorials at Blurb to get up to speed so I can get my photo books designed and published. Busy, busy. I'm taking my time with the tutorials so I can really get a handle on doing things right. It's interesting stuff. I've gotten familiar with the book design software and I'm hoping I can get an upgrade for InDesign so I can go the "PDF to Book" route. I think it might be a bit more flexible as far as choosing which book format and layout you can go with. I'll have to check out the tutorial on that to make sure. Other than that, nothing else big going on.

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