Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another Sunday

It's another "Pleasant Valley Sunday", to quote the old "Monkees" song. It's also Oscar Sunday. Not that I really care that much. Haven't seen ANY of the nominated films. Partly due to money being tight and also to the fact I really don't like going to the movies anymore. Too crowded, too expensive and too many people who don't know how to act in a movie theater. That and the fact that most of the movies that are out there are complete and utter crap. There's a few good ones but most of the movies are a lot of sound and fury entertaining no one. They make money but are the entertainment version of junk food: tastes great but not really good for you. Lots of empty mental calories.

1 comment:

Huntress78 said...

i havent seen any of the movies either... none of them kinda stood out... shit i havent been to see a movie in YEARS!.. mmmm.. maybe its time lol.. great blog site x x