Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here We Go

Well, it's the day after the election and the GOP (Group Of Peabrains) has taken control of the house of representatives. Wonderful. I guess this now means that congress will do even less, since no one will be able to agree on anything. The short sighted "Tea Party", that conveniently forgot that the whole economic mess was precipitated by Bush Administration policies, helped get people elected that will endeavor to reinstate said policies that will just dig us into a deeper hole. And then they'll complain that they can't find jobs and the government safety net they need isn't there since they elected people who want to get rid of it. Typical of the short sighted, pig ignorant (with apologies to pigs), gullible, uneducated and generally clueless American voter. As the old story "The Little Gun Shop" put it: "People get the government they deserve..." Well, the American electorate got a government that will most like screw the average person in favor of the wealthy and the voters will go along with it. So what else is new?

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