Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, it's a new year and some new projects are on the horizon. I'm still working on updating my Zazzle store and adding products and I've got a couple of other things going, most notably, I'm finally going to get off my ass and get moving on publishing a book of some of my photos using Blurb. I've been thinking about it for a while and I've finally decided to sit down, get up to speed on color management (one of my weak spots) and really do it up. I've been through some of my older photos and an there are more that are good than I originally thought. I've got black & white and color shots so I'll probably do up a book of B&W and then at least one book of color shots. Probably going to take a while but I'll get there. In the meantime, gotta keep on keepin' on with the Zazzle store. I'm within spitting distance of the magic 1,000 products threshold and I've got plenty of clip art to make some new designs and some ideas for some original artwork, too. If nothing else, it'll keep me out of trouble. See you soon.

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