Sunday, November 14, 2010
Getting Things Done
ARGH! I hate it when I procrastinate. I know we all do it but I hate it when I do it. It's a hard habit to break. I've always been a bit of a procrastinator and it drives me crazy. It's something I have to work on. Not much else going on in my world. Just the usual stuff.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Another Day
Just another day. Got stuff to do and probably not enough time to do it. Sounds like most people I know. Still updating the Zazzle store and trying to write the start of a screenplay for a screenwriting competition. And of course there's the everyday stuff. I'm sure everyone out there is in a similar situation. Lots of stuff to do but never quite enough time to do it. It's a fact of modern life, I suppose. That being said, there is a sense of satisfaction in getting something done. Even if you don't finish your daily "To Do" list, getting the major stuff done is rather satisfying. At least for me.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Here We Go
Well, it's the day after the election and the GOP (Group Of Peabrains) has taken control of the house of representatives. Wonderful. I guess this now means that congress will do even less, since no one will be able to agree on anything. The short sighted "Tea Party", that conveniently forgot that the whole economic mess was precipitated by Bush Administration policies, helped get people elected that will endeavor to reinstate said policies that will just dig us into a deeper hole. And then they'll complain that they can't find jobs and the government safety net they need isn't there since they elected people who want to get rid of it. Typical of the short sighted, pig ignorant (with apologies to pigs), gullible, uneducated and generally clueless American voter. As the old story "The Little Gun Shop" put it: "People get the government they deserve..." Well, the American electorate got a government that will most like screw the average person in favor of the wealthy and the voters will go along with it. So what else is new?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day
Well, it's election day once again and yes, I got out and voted. There are those who think that in the grand scheme of things, one vote won't make a difference. Well folks, it does. It makes all the difference in the world. You have the right to vote, so exercise that right every election. If you don't vote, DON'T BITCH! If you didn't vote, then you have absolutely NO RIGHT to complain about who got or didn't get elected or which party (not that there's a lot of difference these days) has the majority. If you did vote, then gripe away. You've earned the right to complain. We live in interesting times and if you're familiar with it, there's an ancient Chinese curse that goes: "May you live in interesting times". The fact is that "interesting times" tend to be the most turbulent and unsettled. Uninteresting times tend to be rather calm and a bit boring. Once again, the US (and the world) are in a time of flux and change. It's going to be a while (a long one, from the looks of it) before things start to settle down again. Between economic chaos, terrorism, wars, technological change and social upheaval, things are a bit more interesting than most people like. Societies are very resistant to change, yet change they must to survive. If a society stagnates, then it eventually withers and dies. Maintaining the "status quo" is a sure way to kill a society. There are plenty of archeological sites of societies that kept the status quo. That's why they're archeological sites.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Has it been that long?
Ouch! It's been over a year since I wrote anything. There are slumps and there are slumps. Anyway, not a whole lot has changed. Kind of ended my relationship but that's all I'll say on that subject. I've reconnected with A LOT of old friends on Facebook. Say what you will about whatever shortcomings or technical glitches it may have, Facebook IS a great way to find old friends and even make some new ones. I almost have a social life now. Woo hoo! Anyway, just got through Halloween and now the holidays (ugh!) are on the way. I'm not much for the holidays. Got off the "Gotta get the perfect gift!" merry-go-round a while back, partly due to tight finances and partly due to the holidays sparking some not-so-pleasant memories. I'll leave it at that for now. Not much else to say for now. I definitely will NOT wait this long until another post. See ya guys later!
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