Thursday, August 6, 2009

Finally decided to make a change and go back to using an old style double edged razor and a brush and shaving soap. I'm tired of the damned "high tech" multi-blade razor tearing up my skin every morning. I used a double edged (DE) razor when I first started shaving, but like most teenagers, I thought it was too uncool, so I switched to the Trac II which had come out about a year before. It worked okay with the stuff from a can and I used them for a long time but then I had to keep up and got a three bladed razor and now I've got one of those five bladed things and I can't take it anymore. I've been reading up on the pleasures of a DE razor and the proper technique to use them. I'm looking forward to non-beat up skin in the morning.

Need a new coffee mug or mouse pad for the office or a gift for someone? Click on the link below or the panel or one of the banners on the right.

RJV Studios Store at Zazzle

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Workin' On It

Wow. I've finally been able to exercise more regularly. I'm in seriously bad shape. Having a messed up foot for five years didn't help. Anyway, got a good walk in at our local shopping mall. They have mall walkers program. It's pretty cool. The great thing is you can get your exercise in a climate controlled environment and not out in the heat, humidity and crappy air. It's a nice mall that just went under a complete renovation and it's a pleasure to walk through. If you can, see if your local mall has a mall walkers program. It's a fun way to get the exercise you need.

If you need a gift for someone or for yourself, click the link below or one of the banners or the flash panel on the right.

RJV Studios Store at Zazzle

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hot (not so fun) in the Summertime

It's that time of year. It's hot and humid here in the Eastern US and we've been getting our share of wild weather. Lots of thunderstorms due to the moist air coming up from the Gulf colliding with the cooler, drier air from out west. Some areas have gotten some major damage from some intense downpours in very short time periods. In one town near me, everyone lost power and it took a couple of days to get everyone hooked back up. They even had a mudslide on the Schuylkill Expressway in Philadelphia. The heavy rain overloaded the storm drains so it just ran down the hill and took a good bit of it with it. There's supposed to be a break later this week so it'll be cooler and less humid. Here's hoping. See you all later.

Oh, and if you need some t-shirts or anything else for that road trip, click on any of the links on the right and you'll find exactly what you need at Zazzle.